Sunday, February 28, 2016

Spontaneously soft restarting

Today, my phone has been soft restarting without warning. It'll be going along happily, and then the Sprint splash screen will pop up, and ten it'll load the OS and all that nonsense. It's annoying. How do I begin to troubleshoot this? Full disclosure: I've got the systemless root and the Xposed framework. And I've got charging issues. It charges very slowly and doesn't like its original HTC charger anymore. I tried the recallibrate trick — hold down power, vol+, and vol- for 2 minutes — and it reset a bunch of my programs and settings, and created this soft reboot problem. So it's a mess. But can I fix this one thing at least?

It did it super frequently earlier. It's doing it less and less now, but has not stopped all together to my knowledge. Will it go away on its own? I'd feel better if I knew what to do if and when it comes back.

via xda-developers


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