Monday, September 26, 2016

Watch pairs with phone, but will not attempt to connect to phone.

Hi guys, I have been having an issue with the watch not being able to connect with my phone whilst being paired- not sure if its a watch specific issue or phone issue,
The bluetooth works fine will all other devices: car/speakers they will pair + connect automatically.
However, when i try to connect with my watch, there is no problem in pairing the devices (the code thing what not) but after the pairing, the devices wont connect automatically, and whenever i try to connect the devices, i dont get any response from the phone. E.g., if i tap on my paired devices with my speaker, it will try to connect and shows "connecting..." but if i tap on the watch, nothing happens, not even an attempt to connect, simply stays at not connected. I removing the pairing and resetting the watch, as well as restarting both devices, but issue still persists. Unsure if this is a problem with my phone or the watch itself, as the phone has no problems with connecting with other devices. Havent been able to try the pairing the watch with a different phone (i dont have a spare phone i can try connecting with atm, but will try that later on in the week by borrowing a phone off friend.)
Issue is even stranger considering i had no problems using the watch with this exact phone beforehand, (i just stopped using it for about 6 months because i lost my watch charging station and i couldnt be bothered to get a replacement until now.....)
The watch has been updated to the latest version, and the phone in question is galaxy alpha, running android 5.0.2
Thanks guys.

from xda-developers

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