Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Problem between device and chair: NOOK won't install Cyanogenmod

Years ago, I installed CyanogenMod onto an old Samsung phone with no trouble. A few weeks back, I was given a Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet 16 GB. The UI is pretty limited and I don't want a B&N account, so I thought I'd unleash the beast and install the full Android OS on it.

I read through various HOWTOs including "Install CM for acclaim" from the CyanogenMod Wiki.

I have formatted an 8 GB SD-card with a single FAT32 partition which has been flagged as bootable.
I downloaded and extracted CWM-based-Recovery v5.5.0.4 to the SD-card.
The device booted to recovery mode OK.

I first tried to install "cm-13.0-20160629-NIGHTLY-acclaim".
It failed with the well known OTA update / Status 7 error.
Reading up on this, the main advice is to try an earlier version, maybe even the last stable release.

I then tried "cm-10.2.1-acclaim" which is from all the way back in 2014.
It failed with just "E: Error in /sdcard/cm-10.2.1-acclaim Status 0.
A web search didn't return anything useful.

Next up, I tried the next release CM11: "cm-11-20140210-SNAPSHOT-M3-acclaim".
I got the same failure as with CM10.

Finally I tired the last snapshot before the latest nightly releases: "cm-13.0-20160418-SNAPSHOT-ZNH0EAO2NI-acclaim"
This time it is back to the Status 7 failure.

Considering all the successful HOWTOs I have read and the procedure is basically the same in each one and I have tried searching these forums.
I can only assume I am missing something really basic.
I checked on whether I need to root the device, as I had to with the old Samsung phone, but it seems the B&N Nook Tablet has root access by default.

So, can someone please help?


from xda-developers

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