Monday, February 29, 2016

Getting Quick Charge to Work?

Hey guys. Loving the phone so far, but I can't seem to get my Quick Charge charge to work. This is the specific charger, and an answer on this question says it should work.

When I plug it in it has a blue LED (Normal charging speed) then it changes to green (Quick charging) then it turns off the LED and the cycle repeats. It stays on each LED color for 10-15 seconds before changing.

It worked on my One M8, so I don't see why it wouldn't work here. I have TruePureX and Frankenclark installed, but it did the same thing in recovery so I don't think it's software. The stock Turbo Charger works great, but I want one that to take places when.

Any ideas?

via xda-developers


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