Sunday, February 28, 2016

[Q] AcerOOBE and Shell on Acer Liquid Z200?

Hello, I was checking my phone with CCleaner and AVG and I found two unknown apps, one is called AcerOOBE [], I found it on the Disabled Apps on CCleaner but it doesn't appear in my settings. The other one is Shell [], and AVG tells me it's malware but it can't be deleted 'cause it's a system app (I rooted my device one hour ago), I'd like to know if Shell is really Malware becuase I saw in my settings that it has permission for everything, phone calls, SMS, status bar, etc.
Also I'd like to know what is OOBE, I looked over the internet but I found nothing, Idk if I should uninstall both apps, enable OOBE, keep Shell active, what should I do?

Please, if anyone can help me It'll be great

via xda-developers


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