Sunday, February 28, 2016

Question regarding kernel patcing/updates

I kind of feel as if this should be a very basic topic and that I should not be having to post a new thread on it... but, out of curiosity, does anyone know whether or not the Android kernel-- which as we all know is a flavour of the Linux kernel-- can be updated through "patching" as the regular Linux kernel can? The reason I am asking is that I greatly prefer to run my device with a custom kernel that has extra features over the stock kernel, however, it seems like every custom kernel that is released is released as a one-shot deal, and that the only way to have a kernel that continues to be updated with fresh source is to run the kernels that are provided with the nightly ROM builds.

Of course, I could go the route of learning how to build my own kernels and add features to them.. but I guess my basic question is, does there exist any form of "general patch" that is periodically released by Google, or the Linux Kernel foundation, etc., that will bring your current kernel up-to-date with the latest system-wide changes (secuturity & stability fixes, etc), while leaving the bulk of the kernel and the kernel configuration in place? Or is that a totally unrealistic and impractical concept? I do build my own kernels from source for my laptop, but I know very little about compiling a kernel for android.. anyway, if there are any kernel devs still on this device's forum, what do you guys think?

Any feedback from knowledgeable individuals much appreciated.. thank you! :)

via xda-developers


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